
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

At a standstill

Just met sheep and had a long enjoyable time with her :) We're gonna
start having exciting shepherdings at exciting places more often right?!

Things seem to be quieter right now..I think I shld go home and have a
serious talk with God..since that night where I threw a huge tantrum
at Him saying "Not yet" to my request for a change in jobs, I haven
really taken time to go back, apologize for my burst of anger and work
things out amicably.

Wait, amicably? I don't think mi and God ever work things out amicably
cos He always asks me to do things which I don't like..and we end up
having a huge quarrel..and most of the time, well, everytime in fact,
I lose :(

It seems like it's another one of those each day passes by,
it feels like I'm losing the fight to quit my job..and the various
arguments I have collated to state my case seem to be a little weak

It seems the big old guy up there has been around far longer than me
to know what's better for me.

I have the most caring God ever.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Choices - opportunities or troubles?

Choices make ppl confuse. Actually, I think emotions make people more confuse.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Forget Me Not

Dear Lord,

Have you forgotten about me? Please don't forget about me. Cos I'm
having so much trouble holding on.

When will you deliver me?

My head's gonna explode. It's so painful.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Affairs of the heart

I'm scared of my feelings. I should have kept them dormant.

Feelings confuse everything.

Monday, January 04, 2010

After some time

Haven been working with wenjun for quite a while so there were not
many bimbo moments.

So here's one after some time.

Me: I don't think I can run tonight already.
Wj: Why??! you go home now only 9 o clock. you run only 30 mins, so
930..den what r u going to do till 11.30 before you sleep?
Me: I plan to sleep by 11..and today is going home Monday so I plan to
do my reflections today.
Wj: ok so from 930 to 11 got 1 and a half hrs, u tink u gonna do a one
and a half hr reflection meh?
Me: Yes! why not!
Wj: ok lor, that means you still can run at 9. good job!
Me: AHHH! I fell into your trap! IDIOT!

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Year 2010 is gonna be fun

Application point of 2010:


Let's roll!