
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Sometimes I really hated myself for having such a lousy memory. I forget things so easily, its like when someone calls me and leaves a message, I forget about it as soon as I hang up the phone, no matter if I wrote down that message or not.

I've been quite irritated over this characteristic of mine, and I've tried many ways to remember as many things as possible. What made me so guilty was that after I read the bible in the morning and came across something I wanted to apply, I would remember it for like two hours, and forget about it after that. And when I review my day at night, I would get so guilty for forgetting God's Words.

But on the train yesterday, I think God told me this:

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. My works are wonderful, you know that full well.

And you know what, maybe this is how I was made. Not saying that I stop putting in effort to remember stuff, but maybe, I forget things so easily that I can always be amazed at the same things I read in the bible. Maybe I have short term memory so that I must always read His Word constantly to remain in awe of Him.

You know, maybe God is up there right now, smiling down at me as I get amazed today at the exact same things He told me yesterday, knowing that I've heard it but I had simply forgotten about it, again.

So, I forget things easily. Irritating habit, but it keeps me linked to Him.

Each day as I love Him more, I'm learning to love myself more too.


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