
Friday, October 16, 2009

The Little Things We Never Notice

Have you ever experienced this?

Like when you are drifting off to sleep, and suddenly out of nowhere u feel like you have stepped into a hole and are falling sharply down into the hole, and you jerk out of your sleep and realised that you are still sitting in the same position.

I found out why.

Extracted from Where Is God When It Hurts by Philip Yancey

Even as I was drifting into dreamland, my body was loyally working to protect me. Though my conscious brain had already shut down, my reflex system had not. When my head nodded forward, two small sacs in my inner ear, filled with fluid and lined with ultrasensitive hairs, detected an alarming shift in my equilibrium. Just at the last moment, as my head was about to crash downward to the armrest, the inner ear sounded an all-points-alert. Suddenly my arms jerked out, my head shot upward, and my whole torso twitched in a spasm. The dramatic act was merely my body's emergency effort to prevent injury. And all these complex maneuvers took place while I was drifting off to sleep.

When I read stuff like this, it points me back to how God really takes care of us, even the smallest details which we ourselves, do not notice.


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