yeah finally got the pics from the 2nd ess service which was EXcite!! hahah..that service was really a success and so thank god for putting everything together so perfectly..like i still rmb te times when we had filming till late night and how everyone was so shagged from practising..hahah but oh well..i tink biggest thanks muz go to jiayi aloy and joseph for editing the video!!
a picture of everyone who went onstage for the performance..this included dancers and actors..
jas and me..yeah we were quite bored backstage..cos finish make up and everything already so slacking ard..
jas and her back-up dancers..hahah she was damn funny onstage la!! really can become a STAR!!..
junyao or wayne with his 'cool' dancers..all black, like some mafia gang like that..
mi and my handsome korean price!! VPJ + handsome korean prince = VPP (Very Preety Pair)..thanks brandon for being so willing to do a lot of silly things!! haha..
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