
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

class rox

gosh look at the time!!..i haven started on my xmas cards and project which i was supposed to do tonight!! im such a procrastinator!!..ok i shall shift the blame..its all because of wenjun!!..he intro mi to this gaming website and ive been stuck there from like 12am till now!!..which is like..lets see..4 hrs!!..oh my god!!..i didnt realised it was tt long already!!..this is NOT good..

oh well..might as well post my entry..went street evax with dear ruisi today at lot 1..arrived there at 11am and left at ard was my FIRST street evax and i was excited!!..hahah ruisi was nervous cos its been a looonnnggg time since she's done it..all went quite ok and the ppl were not tt tao..thank god!!..managed to get a few contacts..the things we do for god..amazing yeah?..

met sooo many hoppies at lot one today..the west ppl were also there doing street evax..saw cindy's and david hoe's grp there..and we met this north brother, joesph, who stayed in hougang and came all the way to cck at 11am!!..he's mad i tell u..he didnt sleep the previous night and he went to changi airport at 530am to do qt..yes i know, my reaction was exactly the same as yours..WAH SIAO AH!!..oh well..he says that its quieter there so he can concentrate on his quiet time..

got mi tinking..theres hope ppl EVERYWHERE..u seriously cannot run away from us..hahah..i rmb ruisi telling mi her conversation with yk abt a good place to go dating without being found out..conclusion: nowhere, unless u go to each other's homes..and that gets boring after a eventually u ll go out and den, u ll be seen..the whole world is my family!!..

had class gathering today at my house..supposed to haf a bbq but only 7 turned up..the usual ppl, so in the end, we ordered pizza instead..after tt we played stupid games like charades and concentration..den we moved to the playground and played blind mice..goodness that is a damn fun game manz!!..i love tt game to bits!!..we MUZ play it sometimes soon again!!..and please go to a bigger house's one is too small..gosh shall we play it at east coast this sat at AOC xmas outing?..had gift exchange and i got dear's present..its really really cute!!..thanks!!..enjoy ur duck feather pillow!!..HAHAHA..

Do not call conspiracy,
everything that this people call conspiracy;
do not fear what they fear,
and do not dread it.
The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy,
he is the one you are to fear,
he is the one you are to dread,
and he will be a sanctuary;
but for both houses of Israel he will he
a stone that causes men to stumble
and a rock that makes them fall.

__Isaiah 8: 12-14__

read this during qt..made mi tink abt more abt who i am on this face of the much clearer can god emphasize that we are not of the world and we do not follow the 'customs' of it..y should i fear failure?..y should i worry abt my life?..all i need to do if to focus my eyes on god..fear him and that's all that matters, aint it?..god is so small that he can catch my teardrops, yet he is so big that he can protect mi from all adversaries..he is my source of comfort and strength..i will rmb that all that im doing now, i do it for him..

gosh the more i learn, the more i see that i dun know is true that one cant never stop year of humility has passed..60 more years to go..are you in this with mi?

p.s claire!!..i tink we are really random ppl!!..i love toking to you on msn..hahah..


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