
Friday, July 08, 2011

See and have compassion

It's like a learning journey cross that river of embarrassment, sensible logic and understandable behaviour to do something extraordinary, like putting a verse in the bible to test.

And that's what I did textile center..with a marker and enduring the vaccuum of heat while trapped in a yet unfinished space where it will soon become our next place of worship.

We were supposed to write the names of people who we are praying to come to church..and me being me, thought to simplify everything my just writing "Family members and friends". I know right, blah.

So I bent over and wrote "Family Members"..and something inside said, aren't u going to write their names? The scribble beside mine bold letters spelled out the surname, name and even nicknames of family members, as though mocking me and asking what in the world was i afraid of?

And I decided, I will write their initials. Slowly, I printed "SC", "KK"..and something swelled inside me, what is it? .. "JK" .. my overworked tear ducts did their job well and I could feel hot water in my eyes.. "JH" .. and I knew I was crying.

It's just letters ain't it? I felt so stupid..but those are the lives of my closest living relatives behind just two letters. And I so want them to come to know Christ, to live and share my Jesus with me, to understand why I so faithfully go to the church and serve, tho I admit, grudgingly at times.

When we see, then we have compassion. Behind those letters, I see them lives. And I want them so bad to become christ-followers. So, so bad.

Looking down, drying my tears and pretending they were perspiration, I decided to inprint the initals of my friends as well..and so I did "ES", "AK", "CL", and "YK".

Power lies in prayers. And if you are one of those I have initial-ed, know that I am always always praying for you. :)


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