
Friday, March 03, 2006

56? its possible

one number juz keeps floating in my mind rite now..56 56 56 haunts mi every min, every sec..this number brings joy, fear, hope, laughter and tears..56 is the end march goal of my caregroup..and now, there are 29 ppl..double in a month..we need a miracle..a real BIG one..

im juz so so excited!! end march..central would haf become hope's first region!..central was, is and always ll be the grp of first activation meeting is till date, the most earth-shaking day of my whole spiritual walk with god..wat we aim for, its not logical..the world's best mathematician or scientist would tell us that we are mad becos, it cannot be done..omg it cannot be done!!!..and we are gonna do it..this is crazy..certainly crazy..

with all my heart and soul..i plead with god to instill sane-ness in mi for juz one month..after we hit the goal by the end of gonna sit down and sink in the craziness of wat happened..i trust tt its possible..becos everything in the bible tells mi its possible..god gave mi his promise and he trusts mi..wat more can i ask?..i haf fantastic ppl to help mi..CB2 and CB3 are all in this together amen?!..mircales do'll see..

ps: the M hotel buffet lunch is certainly not worth it..


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